300 Years!

‘Capability’ Brown – a new bulb

Narcissus 'Capability Brown' credit: Ron Scamp

Narcissus ‘Capability Brown’
credit: Ron Scamp

Well today is the 300th anniversary of Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown’s baptism in St Wilfrid’s Church in Kirkharle, Northumberland and is also the date for officially marking this important tercentenary.  What better way than to unveil a new bulb named by the RHS as Narcissus ‘Capability Brown’.

It is particularly appropriate as Brown is known to have used a double jonquil, Narcissus ‘Telamonius Plenus Van Sion’ in his designs. The 300th Anniversary Festival’s director Ceryl Evans sums it up by saying: ‘Our hope is that many of Capability Brown attributed sites will be interested in planting this beautiful spring bulb, as a seasonal reminder every year of the remarkable Capability Brown Festival introducing Brown’s amazing legacy landscapes to a much wider audience’.

I heartily concur.



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