A storm of magnolias at RHS Wisley makes Battleston Hill quite magical… @RHSWisley #MagnoliaWatch #SpringAtWisley

IMG_0148IMG_0152IMG_0151IMG_0154IMG_0149Magnolia sprengeri Copeland Court, one of a bounteous display of Magnolias threading their way through the landscape of Battleston Hill at RHS Wisley. Given the changes in height and the winding pathways, they can be seen from above, below, close-up and at a distance – adding their compliment of colours to some of the early Rhododendrons and many Camellias, as well as a woodland carpet of bulbs and perennials.

Magnolia Early Star (below)

IMG_0099IMG_0121IMG_0113IMG_0108IMG_0102IMG_0097IMG_0093IMG_0096IMG_0116IMG_0091IMG_0098Magnolia Charles Raffill (below)


IMG_0075Magnolia Charles Raffill (above)


Magnolia JC Williams (above) and Magnolia campbellii (below)

IMG_0160IMG_0164IMG_0166IMG_9991IMG_9985IMG_9985IMG_9989IMG_9983Deep dark, well-shaped blooms from Vulcan (above) while the white Magnolia salicifolia and adjacent Magnolia kobus bring the clouds down into the woods…

IMG_0030IMG_0035IMG_0040IMG_0042IMG_0043IMG_0044IMG_0046IMG_0048IMG_0049IMG_0053IMG_0137another Magnolia salicifolia – it too making the specimens I saw at Kew quite juvenile!

IMG_0010IMG_0012IMG_0014Magnolia sargentiana (below)

IMG_9973IMG_9978The fly is for the purpose of scale!

IMG_9979IMG_9981IMG_9970IMG_9963IMG_9962IMG_9964IMG_9965IMG_9945IMG_9943IMG_9948Unnamed magnolias (below) probably labelled but with lush undergrowth, quite hidden..

IMG_0025IMG_0019IMG_0023IMG_0026The white blossom behind is a named specimen… Magnolia x loebneri Merrill

IMG_0029IMG_0028Magnolia Milky Way – with the deeper pink of Magnolia sprengeri Copeland Court in the background (and up above)…

IMG_0145IMG_0142IMG_0144IMG_9940The broad sweep of lawn up to Battleston Hill, with meandering side paths. No route through here is ever the same and you are drawn back and forth as vistas open up and you are enticed further, left, right, just around the corner…

IMG_9939IMG_0009IMG_0132IMG_0206The view across to the Plant Centre from the lower slope of Battleston Hill, by the Double Herbaceous Border.

From this Plant Centre, you can glimpse into the garden of one of the Estate Houses, which is ringed with mature magnolia trees…

IMG_9791IMG_9782But this one, peeping over the top of the fence, by the pots on sale, is quite the most striking; huge blooms of the deepest colour…

IMG_9869IMG_9870IMG_9873IMG_9901I was told by one of the assistants that they believe it to be Peter Dummer. Must look this one up. There is a new variety on sale called Genie which might match it for colour.

By way of Garden Centre Geekery, if you were looking for a Magnolia for your own piece of heaven, there are quite a few on sale at RHS Wisley..



I’m certain the strong winds we’ve had over the past 24 hours will have affected the display, certainly cleaning up some of the blossom going over: I hope the best withstands the gales and gusts and continues to look good for some time yet. For it really is very, very good!

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