Buy Chinese Heading Cabbage Michihli (Brassica rapa VAR. Pekinensis), Heritage Asian Vegetable Non GMO-Open Pollinated, baechu, Grown for Planting in Saudi Arabia
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Chinese Heading Cabbage Michihli (Brassica rapa VAR. Pekinensis), Heritage Asian Vegetable Non GMO-Open Pollinated, baechu, Grown for Planting

Chinese Heading Cabbage Michihli (Brassica rapa VAR. Pekinensis), Heritage Asian Vegetable Non GMO-Open Pollinated, baechu, Grown for Planting Details

You Will Get Chinese Heading Cabbage Michihli (Brassica rapa var. Pekinensis), heritage Asian vegetable Non GMO--Open Pollinated, baechu, Grown for Planting
Michihili Chinese Cabbage is tender, crisp and sweet, with a pleasant spicy flavour with early medium maturity. Chinese Cabbage is used like lettuce in salads, cooked like spinach, shredded for slaw, steamed or stir-fried. Thick green leaves blanch creamy white inside.
Michihili is a semi-heading, upright, cylindrical-shaped Chinese cabbage. Michihili is delicate, crisp and lightly sweet. It is often used in cooking as a vehicle for the flavors of other foods.
Grow Chinese cabbage in full sun in cool regions and in partial shade in warm regions. Plant Chinese cabbage in well-worked, well-drained but moisture-retentive soil rich in organic matter. Add aged compost to planting beds before planting and side dress crops with compost again at midseason. USDA Zone: 3-11
Michihili is a cultivar name. Michihili is so popular that the class of cylindrical, semi-heading Chinese cabbages is sometimes referred to as Michihili. There are other semi-heading Chinese cabbages. Each of these is wrapped with long leaves that form a tapering head.

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