Luma Apiculata

Luma-apiculata (2).jpg

Common Names: Arrayan, Palo colorado


Family: Myrtaceae

Origin: Chile

Type: Evergreen shrub or tree

Size: 6 to 8 ft. high and wide; can reach 20 ft. or more.

Flowers: White to pink .5 in. flowers, late summer to early fall, followed by purple berries; dark green oval leaves. Bark turns striking cinnamon color with age.

Uses: Striking accent tree with its shaping possibilities, color, screen.

Wildlife: Bee pollinated. Attracts birds. Deer resistant.

Soil: Tolerates a variety if well-drained.

Water: Low to medium.

Sun: Full sun to some shade.

Pruning: Prune to keep open and show branching structure and attractive bark.

Pests & Diseases: Generally pest and disease free.

Notes: Comes from the lower part of central Chile along the coast with climate similar to San Francisco north. Berries (edible) used by native peoples in Chile. Hardy to 20° F.