Tradescantia 'Blushing Bride' Expand

Tradescantia 'Blushing Bride'

Un Quadrato di Giardino - Podenzano (PC)

Tradescantia 'Blushing Bride'


Rapidly growing herbaceous perennial with pink spotted leaves, used as a hanging plant in pots or as a ground cover outdoors.

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La pianta è in vaso di 20-22 cm di diametro

13 Items

8,00 €

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Rapidly growing herbaceous perennial with pink spotted leaves, used as a hanging plant in pots or as a ground cover outdoors.

The miseria grass is a very easy to care for plant, magnificent in a pot. In the open ground it forms very dense carpets. This tradescantia, unlike many commellinaceae, is perfectly rustic; it maintains the root system from which it regrows in spring. If kept indoors it remains evergreen and is also suitable for small spaces and dimly lit apartments, where, however, it struggles to flower; a position with a few hours of sun and relocation outdoors at least in summer is better.

Common name: Tradescanzia, spiderwort.
Genus and species: Tradescantia x andersoniana
Cultivar: 'Blushing Bride'
Family: Commelinaceae.

Description of the flowers: Small, with three petals, in the leaf axils.
Flower color: White.
Flowering period: Summer.
Leaves: Deciduous if temperatures drop below 4 degrees for prolonged periods, otherwise evergreen. Alternate, lanceolate, fleshy; pink, white and green in the cooler periods (spring and autumn).
Perfume: -
Dimensions: The plant expands indefinitely, growing according to the space and land it has available: where it crawls and takes root, carpeting the ground. Height about 15 cm.

Exposure: Partial shade, shade; if the sun is excessive the pink areas can burn.
Soil: Well drained.
Irrigation: As needed, without excesses or stagnation.
Frost resistance: USDA 7.

Pruning: Trimming to trim the plant, during the period of active growth (spring-summer).
Propagation: From division to vegetative awakening, from cutting at more than 20°C.

Esposizione Sole del mattino, Mezz'ombra, Ombra luminosa
Periodo di fioritura Estate
Colore del Fiore Bianco
Colore delle Foglie Bicolore
Fogliame Semi-sempreverde
Altezza Massima 0-25 cm
Larghezza Massima Tappezzanti (virtualmente infinita)
Innaffiatura Scarsa (al bisogno)
Zona_USDA 7a

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Gaia G. il giorno 03/30/2020

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