Ranunculus ficaria 'Brazen Hussy' Expand

Ranunculus ficaria 'Brazen Hussy'

Un Quadrato di Giardino - Podenzano (PC)

Ranunculus ficaria


For those who love the contrast given by the leaves, this Ranunculus ficaria cultivar cannot be missed. For the winter and spring garden, this is definitely one of the most unusual and showy plants we grow. This perennial emerges in winter with glossy black foliage, in rosettes. From late February to March, the tufts are topped with very bright yellow flowers: a stark contrast between foliage and flowers that cannot go unnoticed. The plant vegetates in the cool, and hibernates in the heat, so you need to mark your clumps to remember where next winter will crop up. Unlike the Ranunculus ficaria specie, the cultivar is not invasive, even if vigorous.

Parte di pianta da usare in cucina : foglie

La pianta è in vaso di 19 cm di diametro

34 Items

12,00 €

tax incl.

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Esposizione Sole intenso, Sole del mattino
Periodo di fioritura Primavera
Colore del Fiore Giallo-oro
Colore delle Foglie Nero - Violaceo
Fogliame Semi-sempreverde
Altezza Massima 0-25 cm
Larghezza Massima Tappezzanti (virtualmente infinita)
Innaffiatura Pianta da xeriscape (nulla)
Zona_USDA 5a
Parte di pianta da usare in cucina foglie