Salvia aurita var aurita

Salvia aurita var aurita

Salvia  aurita  var aurita: is a tough clumping ground cover  from Sth Africa, 10-15cmH for a sunny area with mauve/blue flowers.
Salvia aurita var aurita
Salvia aurita var aurita

Salvia aurita var aurita will gradually expand to  form a good ground cover masse for a hot spot in full sun where nothing else grows.

Flowers are small,mauve/blue, semi tubular falcate type flowers on a flower stem, held well above the foliage.Calyces are green, ribbed with coloured tips.
The main flowering period is in spring , but will continue through to autumn. Flowers appear in one direction along the stem, following the sun during the day.
Leaves are large, green and broadly lobed, attached to stems at ground level. These leaves  have  a particular  scent which deters rabbits and other marauding animals from nibbling.

Not fussy about soil, plant S. aurita  in a well drained position at the front of the bed in an informal border, or rockery. Plant with other drought tolerant low growing shrubs and perennials.

This would be one of our toughest Salvia for hot spots.  A great groundcover  for filling in bare areas, particularly sunny  positions. Plant in full sun, tolerating  the summer heat and dry, the winter cold and frosts.

Trim back to neaten at end of summer, the beginning of autumn. Clean out  by cutting away any dead or twiggy stems. Cut back to a good green bud.
Very attractive to bees and insects.
Easily propagated by taking tip cuttings  most of the year.

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