General parameter-shift rules for quantum gradients

David Wierichs1,2, Josh Izaac1, Cody Wang3, and Cedric Yen-Yu Lin3

1Xanadu, Toronto, ON, M5G 2C8, Canada
2Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne, Germany
3AWS Quantum Technologies, Seattle, Washington 98170, USA

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Variational quantum algorithms are ubiquitous in applications of noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers. Due to the structure of conventional parametrized quantum gates, the evaluated functions typically are finite Fourier series of the input parameters. In this work, we use this fact to derive new, general parameter-shift rules for single-parameter gates, and provide closed-form expressions to apply them. These rules are then extended to multi-parameter quantum gates by combining them with the stochastic parameter-shift rule. We perform a systematic analysis of quantum resource requirements for each rule, and show that a reduction in resources is possible for higher-order derivatives. Using the example of the quantum approximate optimization algorithm, we show that the generalized parameter-shift rule can reduce the number of circuit evaluations significantly when computing derivatives with respect to parameters that feed into many gates. Our approach additionally reproduces reconstructions of the evaluated function up to a chosen order, leading to known generalizations of the Rotosolve optimizer and new extensions of the quantum analytic descent optimization algorithm.

Cody Wang on general parameter-shift rules

A PennyLane demo on general parameter-shift rules:

Many near-term applications of quantum computing are concerned with parametrized quantum circuits and cost functions arising from them. This cost function is to be minimized, which often is done with optimization algorithms that use the gradient or higher-order derivatives. These derivatives can in turn be computed using so-called parameter-shift rules.
Previously, shift rules were known for all single-parameter quantum gates $U(x)=\exp(ixG)$ that are generated by operators satisfying the relation $G^3=G$. Other gates had to be decomposed into gates of this form in order to compute the cost function derivatives via a parameter-shift rule. In this work, we present general parameter-shift rules for all single-parameter gates. We compare the cost of these rules to that of decomposing a gate and applying the original shift rule to the constituents and find that the general shift rule can reduce the cost significantly for large gates that are relevant in applications. This advantage over decomposition-based derivatives grows with the order of the derivative.
Our approach is based on a discrete Fourier transform and is directly linked to known optimization algorithms that use single-parameter reconstructions of the cost function. The new shift rule allows gradient-based optimizers to run at the same cost as these reconstruction-based algorithms.

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[55] Tailong Xiao, Jingzheng Huang, Hongjing Li, Jianping Fan, and Guihua Zeng, "Quantum generative adversarial imitation learning", New Journal of Physics 25 3, 033034 (2023).

[56] Stefano Markidis, "Programming Quantum Neural Networks on NISQ Systems: An Overview of Technologies and Methodologies", Entropy 25 4, 694 (2023).

[57] Saad Yalouz, Emiel Koridon, Bruno Senjean, Benjamin Lasorne, Francesco Buda, and Lucas Visscher, "Analytical nonadiabatic couplings and gradients within the state-averaged orbital-optimized variational quantum eigensolver", arXiv:2109.04576, (2021).

[58] Hang Yang, Xunbo Li, Zhigui Liu, and Witold Pedrycz, "Improved Differential Privacy Noise Mechanism in Quantum Machine Learning", IEEE Access 11, 50157 (2023).

[59] Brian Doolittle, Felix Leditzky, and Eric Chitambar, "Operational Nonclassicality in Quantum Communication Networks", arXiv:2403.02988, (2024).

The above citations are from SAO/NASA ADS (last updated successfully 2024-05-06 05:56:40). The list may be incomplete as not all publishers provide suitable and complete citation data.

Could not fetch Crossref cited-by data during last attempt 2024-05-06 05:56:37: Encountered the unhandled forward link type postedcontent_cite while looking for citations to DOI 10.22331/q-2022-03-30-677.