Free Daily Crossword Puzzle

One of the most popular puzzles, crosswords have been around for over a century in one form or another. It’s your job to correctly answer a set of Across and Down clues and fit them into a grid which is divided up using black squares. The most common crossword is the ‘quick’ or ‘straight’, but ‘cryptic’ crosswords also have a loyal following. Once you’re up to speed with the straight sort why not try and conquer a cryptic? 

How to solve a Crossword

One of the most popular puzzles, crosswords have been around for over a century in one form or another.

The rules are simple, just answer a set of Across and Down clues correctly and fit them into a grid which is divided up using black squares.

Want to know how you’re doing? The Check option can be used for one letter, one answer or the whole puzzle.