Quick pit stop at Telly’s

May 30, 2015 [update]: The Maxillaria plant today:

Maxillaria tenuifolia

May 16, 2015: It’s the morning of the Michigan Orchid Society meeting and the weather is too perfect to just hole up indoors before it’s time to head out there so we decided to visit Telly’s and look at the hosta varieties this year. It was very hard not to notice the distinctive scent of Maxillaria tenuifolia around the orchid section. Since the one we got is still a baby (from this post) we went ahead and bought a mature plant.

Here are the pictures of the plant the day we got it.

Maxillaria tenuifolia
Maxillaria tenuifolia

Maxillaria tenuifolia
There were plants with open flowers but we went for the one with more buds.

Here are pictures of the plant today (May 23) with some of the buds open:

Maxillaria tenuifolia

Maxillaria tenuifolia

Maxillaria tenuifolia


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