Well, it’s still July, so it’s Daylilies

Where did July go!! Guess I was just caught up in  the wonderful show that the daylilies provided this past month.  It was spectacular,  and to think I only have 371 daylilies.  What if I had thousands?  If only.  I am struggling to make room for more that I would like to have, but that is another post.  This will be devoted to some of my favorites, but truth is on any given day they are all favorites.!

This is Eyes Right Jones, at first I was disappointed, but later blooms looked much better, this is a later bloom.  Note the edge on this one!!  The first few blooms just didn’t have that edge on them. 

Nile Crane,  I have had this one for many years, it has been slow to increase, but it does sparkle in the sunlight, an effect on daylilies known as diamond dusting.  

this is Duck’s Luck,  it is a very bright white with a great eye and edge, a large bloom at over 6 inches.

Next up is Starman’s Quest,  this daylily is known as an UF, Unusual Form.   Didn’t care so much for this type of daylily at first, but my tastes are changing.  

Now for Prediction, love the colors on this one, a real stand out in the garden.

Mexican Magic, an interesting color combination, and a great increaser, it has doubled for me every summer. 

Russian Easter

Panther Eyes, this pic is from July 4th, and Panther Eyes is still blooming today on July 30th, because it sent up a rebloom scape.!!!!

Mister Right

Mahogany Magic, another one that has bloomed the entire month of July because of reblooming,  it is still going strong, and will most likely last until mid August

Here is Spice Cake, I must have been hungry that day I got this one, cause I also brought home Cinnamon Roll and Milk Chocolate!!

Here is Milk Chocolate!!! Love this unusual brown daylily.

A double daylily, Big Kiss.  

This is Best Kept Secret, looking very nice today, because it decided to poly, in other words, it has 4 petals, instead of the ‘traditional’ three.   Daylilies will do that once in awhile, not sure why or what causes it.  

More daylilies……… this is another double form daylily, Clever Conversation

Kansas Kitten, a long time bloomer, still going strong , sent up multiple rebloom scapes

Time to Fly  

Lee Pickles, love this one, almost lost it and it is down to one fan.  Hopefully it will increase.

Susie Tee, very pretty. This one I won on the auction.

El Desperado, can’t wait for this one to clump up

Area Fifty One,  a Mick Morry introduction, that I won in a contest!! Boy that was exciting.

Martha’s Good Thing, another Morry intro.  this one is in my ‘hot’ flower bed. 

 Jungle Butterfly, a great eye pattern on this one. 

now for a group shot

South Seas, a great oldie. 

Illini Destiny

Spacecoast Two Eyed Jack, a double form daylily.

Delicately Yours, a very soft color

Celestial Shore,  acquired this one from the auction, when I was in my purple mood.

Sunday Morning, this one is an early bloomer, but it does glow with that green throat.

Ornamental Focus, another extra early bloomer.  It was perhaps one of my first to start blooming.

Dragon Dreams, love the pattern on the eye.

Now for more group shots.  This is a large island bed full of daylilies.  In the spring it is filled with daffodils and in the fall, the mums take over the show.

Well, I can just keep going on and on,  I added about 20 or so more daylilies to my collection this summer.  so now I do have 371.  I am digging to make room for more!

This is Moonstruck Madness, send as a bonus plant from Delano’s Daylilies, great people to order from

Lava Flow, stands out in my hot bed, another win from the auction.

This is a shot of the ‘hot’ bed, Lava Flow and Prediction together.  This bed is still under construction

Catcher in the Eye, isn’t that a great name!!

Celebration of Angels

Precious Candy, very pretty one!!  Really had to scramble to get this one on the auction.  My persistence paid off, and here it is.  

Tennesse Afterglow

Look at the time!! It is now August 1st.  I need to go dig now, as I have a rather large bulb order coming soon, and I need to make more room for daylilies. 

About obsessivecompulsivegardening

I have a hobby that is simply out of control, but the rewards are so great. Join me in my obsession. Thanks for looking, and enjoy!!!
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