KRO Kindertijd
The famous children's TV show KRO Kindertijd needed a new online platform for connecting with their young audience. We created a website enabling the visitors to listen to stories, play games, seek information, colorize their favorite characters and much more.

The target audience is mainly 5-year-old children. Considering that we decided to use as little text as possible, and make an intuitive navigation structure based on visual elements and not just words.

KRO would like to introduce a new bird character to the children, who should live inside the KRO website. We came up with the idea, to make it live and move around in a large tree.

I worked as lead designer, creating all graphics assets and overall art direction. I made character design (for the bird), and all the illustrations and most of the animations on the entire website.

The increasing amount of visitors highly exceeded the initial expectations, and the bird character is now also used on TV.

Made at Ijsfontein.

Here you can listen to your favourite stories.

Here you can see what's new.

Here you can get to know more about your favourite character.

Here you can watch clips from the TV program.

Here you can play some mini games.

Here you can find your favourite drawing, print it out and colour it.

Here the parents can read more about the characters from TV and the site and the idea behind it.

Here you can play small games with the bird. Tickle it, see which tricks it can do, feed it or dress it up like a king.

This is the homepage where all the bird house are. Each house give you access to the different subpages like games, listening to stories and more.

The first sketches.

The first look and feel of the site.

The visual development of the bird character.

The different bird happenings used on the site and in the small games.

The website follows the different seasons of the year. I therefor made the homepage in a spring, summer, autumn and winter version.

The website is also available on the iPad. But here the small games, the game house and the colour house plus the bird are enabled due to the Flash issues on iPads. The site is not made as an app - not yet.