— Garden Warrior

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Garden Warrior

We actually had a break in the rain yesterday and a semi-sunny afternoon.  Since Mother Nature was cooperating I made a beeline for my little garden plot and prepared for war.  I’ve mentioned a time or ten that I want to grow a cutting garden this summer and have oodles of fresh flowers inside and out.  I’ve babied bulbs from Holland , kept them in the frig and in the dark, soaked them overnight before planting, and kept them in a damp towel on the kitchen counter while waiting for a chance to plant them.  If all goes well I’ll have a garden worthy of a Monet painting.  

The Cutting Gold sunflowers that are already thriving in cups…


Vibrant purple monkshood …. 


Beautiful, ruffled, orange ranunculus…or “Ranunculas Asiaticus Orange”….


And just for kicks an Agapanthus Blue Danube.


The only one of these plants I’ve ever grown before would be the sunflowers.  So if they turn out to be moody and tempermental we may have a fight on our hands.  And speaking of fights, I stood in the black dirt of the garden with my trowel and my rubber boots…and threw down the gauntlet to the vole population. 

 I’ve declared war and I’m no longer showing them any sympathy.  They are NOT  adorable Beatrix Potter or Brambly Hedge creatures - they are rodent pirates, looting and pillaging flower beds and leaving destruction in their wake.  SInce Mickey didn’t care for my plan of “trees full of hawks and a yard full of cats” which I thought sounded wonderful, I have been busy purchasing every stinkin’ thing that is supposed to irritate, annoy, or frighten a vole.  Rumor has it that they won’t dig through sharp rocks.  Guess who laid down barrier after barrier of “Vole Control” in her garden?  I paid for a bag of rocks.


I put trenches of  rocks around the edges,  between the sections, around the bulbs, and everywhere else I could think of pouring rocks.

I’d read that voles scram when confronted with bloodmeal.  Done!


I’ve got enough to sprinkle all summer.  The goood news is that it’s also supposed to keep rabbits out of your garden.  Since they treated themselves to a sunflower buffet last spring, I’m okay with that.

The cats are on patrol, and I’m eyeballing a contraption on Amazon called a Critter Ridder.  It’s for hooking to the tailpipe of your car and pumping their tunnels full of carbon monoxide.  I wouldn’t mind if they all just went to “sleep”.

 I declare this the summer that I defeat the voles, my arch enemies. Did you know that a vole can get pregnant at just 13 days old? And their pregnancies are only about 20 days in length? I’m battling a rodent nation! They’ve destroyed my elephant ears, irises, hostas, and so many other beautiful perennials.  Years of hard work and garden building ruined by their gnawing!  I feel like running around the back yard with a spear and face paint…


Okay, perhaps a tad dramatic but I’m committed to my cause. Someday old voles will tell young ones about the terrible time when the crazy cat lady of Olivia Court drove them from their homeland.  

If this doesn’t work, we’re digging up the back yard and putting in a pool.