My City is a Garden

Garden inspriation from around the world

Tricyrtis formosana: Toad Lilly


 The subtle blossoms of Tricyrtis, or toad lily, bloom in late summer and autumn, a time of year when color is rare in shade and woodland gardens. Flowers must be observed close up to appreciate their true beauty. Planted next to a walkway they will receive their deserved admiration.

Tricyrtis ‘Blue Wonder’

Tricyrtis ‘Blue Wonder’

Native from the eastern Himalayas to China, Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines, they grow in tall grass near the edge of mountain woodlands or in damp, shady ravines. Features small, lily-like flowers (1 inch long) with six showy tepals (similar appearing sepals and petals) arranged in branched clusters (cymes) primarily at the stem ends but also in the upper leaf axils.


Tricyrtis hirta


Tricyrtis latifolia ‘Yellow Sunrise’

Flowers open late in the season, (late August in my Zone 5 garden), when many other perennials, especially woodland species, have finished flowering for the year. The flowers are produced for a long period of time and continue blooming well into November. Garden companiors include hosta, fern, hellebore, astilbe, Solomon’s seal and rodgersia.


Tricyrtis hirta ‘Albomarginata’

Plants are superb additions to shaded borders, woodland or shade gardens where they will slowly naturalize by rhizomes to form colonies.

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Jardin de St-Gabriel-Brécy / Normandy, France


Serre de la Madone, Menton, France


The Giardini Botanici Hanbury, Mortola, Italy


Les Quatre Vents, La Malbaie, Québec