Greek Mythology: The Narcissus Flower Myth and Its Moral Lesson

Wiki Bedtime Stories
3 min readFeb 21, 2024

Narcissus and Echo Summary

The prophet Teiresias informs a mother giving birth to a lovely kid named Narcissus that he will live a long life unless he discovers who he is. A chatty wood nymph named Echo, meantime, offends the goddess Hera. The chatterbox receives punishment and is limited to repeating other people’s last statements.

By coincidence, Echo happens to see Narcissus one day and instantly falls in love. But he makes it quite evident that her love will never be returned. Echo ages relentlessly, yearning for him until her voice is all that’s left of her.

Narcissus Flower Myth
Wiki Bedtime Stories

The lovely Narcissus, who is both incredibly loved and incredibly unloving, doesn’t think anyone is deserving of his affection until he leans over to take a drink from a pool of water and notices an amazing creature.

He attempts in vain to reach the person in the water, filled with longing for the figure. After a while, he realizes it’s him, and he experiences the same suffering as Echo did: he ages and turns into a fragile flower that is perched on a pool’s edge.

What is the myth of the Narcissus flower?

When someone is self-centered or never stops staring in the mirror, it’s common to label them as “narcissistic.” This name originates from the legendary tale of the young, extraordinarily beautiful Narcissus, who became enamored with his reflection in the water.

The river god Cefiso and the nymph Liríope of Tespias were the parents of Narcissus. Tirésias, the well-known seer, had informed his parents that he expected to enjoy a long life as long as he remained unaware of himself.

Narcissus Flower Myth
Wiki Bedtime Stories

What happens at the end of the Echo and Narcissus story?

The God of vengeance, Nemesis, saw Narcissus’s heartless disdain for people who cared for him. He took him to a pool where he could see his reflection in order to exact punishment. Deeply in love with it, Narcissus didn’t realize it was only a picture. He was overcome with hopelessness as he realized the reality and realized his love would never be returned.

He killed himself as a result of this knowledge, and according to mythology, the narcissus flower — a representation of his preoccupation with himself — sprang from the spot where he died.

What is the moral of the story of Narcissus?

In the story of Narcissus and Echo, there is a moral lesson that teaches us to love ourselves while remaining humble, as excessive focus on oneself can lead to loneliness and isolation. We must treat everyone with kindness and humility.

Narcissus Flower Myth
Wiki Bedtime Stories

Short Story of Narcissus

Did you know Narcissus is one of the most attractive Greek Gods in Greek mythology? However, his self-love and arrogance became the cause of his doom. Read the full story of the Greek god Narcissus and Echo on the Wiki Bedtime Stories.

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