
Dianthus are small (6”-10” tall) rock garden plants that bloom in the spring and are very fragrant. Commonly called ‘Pinks’ because of their color; there are many varieties that are white, rose, red, orange and purple. Carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus) are taller Dianthus that are often used for cut flowers. Garden Pinks are hybrids of Dianthus gratianopolitanus.

Dianthus fit in very well into a rock garden because of their low mounding form that look well next to rocks.

Here are some varieties that are growing at Dawn Gardens:

Dianthus caryophyllus ‘Supertrooper Magenta & White’

Dianthus ‘Superstar’

Dianthus ‘Firewitch’

Dianthus ‘Tiny Rubies’

Dianthus ‘Rose De Mai’

Dianthus ‘Fire Star’ @ Legacy Christian School, Auburn

Dianthus caryophyllus ‘Odessa Red ‘

Dianthus caryophyllus ‘Odessa Amy’

Dianthus caryophyllus ‘Odessa Orange’

Dianthus caryophyllus ‘Sunflower Belle’

Dianthus microlepis

Dianthus petraeus noeanus

Dianthus deltoides

Dianthus carthusianorum – I let these go to seed so eventually they will fill in between the grasses.

Dianthus ‘Georgia Peach Pie’

Pinks are low maintenance plants that require moderate amounts of water and deadheading at the end of their flowering time in May or June.  They are slow growing and make good edgings, container plants, rock garden plants and small scale groundcovers.  Most of them have grey foliage and blend in well with other plants.

Dianthus plants need to be dead-headed when they are finished blooming. If they don’t make seeds they may produce more flowers in the summer.

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