Ficus triangularis variegata care can be hard to figure out if you’re not exactly sure what it likes. A bit more finicky than other ficus plants, this plant can be quick to drop its leaves when unhappy – and there are a few things that can make it unhappy.

However, with its variegated, triangular shaped leaves, it’s worth it to figure out the proper care for this indoor plant. In the best conditions, you may even be lucky enough to to get some berries from this ficus plant!

Ficus triangularis variegata plant in light.

Ficus Triangularis Care Overview

Type: Tropical

Light: Bright Indirect

Watering: Water when mostly dry

Soil: Chunky well draining mix

Feeding: Use houseplant fertilizer every 2 weeks in spring and summer


The best lighting for the ficus triangularis variegata is bright, indirect light. This means the plant may do best in a south or east facing window.

It’s likely that the more light you give this plant, the more white and creamy variegated leaves it’ll produce.

You should be sure to slightly rotate the triangle ficus every time you water to help ensure that that plant grows evenly.


The variegated ficus triangularis should be almost completely dry before watering. You should be sure at least 3/4 of the soil is dry, and then thoroughly water the plant.

Depending on the size of your plant, you may not need to water very often. My 10-inch ficus triangularis is only watered about once a month in the summer, and even longer in the winter. Underwatering is better than overwatering since root rot can be a killer!

To be sure to not overwater your plant, use a chopstick and stick it to the bottom of the pot and see if it comes out clean. You can also use your finger (this is my favorite method) and feel whether or not the potting soil is still moist.

Preferred Soil / Potting Medium

The best potting mix for the ficus triangularis variegata is a chunky, well draining mix, similar to most plants in the ficus genus. My triangularis is in a mix of potting soil, perlite, orchid park, and osmocote slow release fertilizer!

A well draining mix is essential to prevent root rot or fungus gnats from affecting your plant.

Ficus Triangularis Propagation Tips

The variegated ficus triangularis can grow into a bush or tree like plant, so propagation is eventually the best way to encourage a lush, bushy plant.

It is important to be careful when propagating the ficus triangularis variegata as the sap can cause both skin and eye irritation. We suggest working with gloves on and ensuring you wash your hands after completing the project. 

To propagate, locate a spot below a node and ensure that the branch is at least 6 inches long with 4 nodes above the cut. While the cutting may survive shorter/ with less nodes utilizing this method will increase your chances for success.

Once cut, remove lower leaves to encourage growth to the roots and not foliage. Dip the end of the cutting into rooting hormone and then place in a well draining potting mix. Water and cover with a ziplock bag. Finally, find a sunny warm location and watch nature work! 

*If propagating in water, follow all steps until rooting hormone. At this point place the cutting into water and move your plant to a bright, warm location. 

Is Variegated Ficus Triangularis Toxic?

As a member of the ficus family, the ficus triangularis is toxic for dogs, cats, other pets, or a curious toddler. The milky sap that is exposed when the plant is cut can produce rash and swelling eyes. Upset stomach is possible if ingested.

Common Problems With Ficus Triangularis Variegata

Ficus triangularis care can be simple once you know how to avoid the things that cause yellowing or dropping leaves. These are the top three issues with this triangular leaf plant.

Ficus Triangularis Yellowing Leaves

Yellowing leaves are usually a sign of overwatering the plant. The leaves of the plant may also yellow if its not receiving enough light. If you find that your plant isn’t overwatered, be sure to move it to a spot in our home that gets the bright indirect light it needs.

Ficus Triangularis Dropping Its Leaves

This plant commonly drops leaves when it’s moved around. This means that it’s probably normal if your new ficus triangularis you just brought home is dropping a moderate amount of leaves. This personally happened to me, but stopped after a few weeks and wasn’t super noticeable.

However, if the plant is losing all of its leaves, you should make sure that it’s not in front of a cold draft or air conditioner. If this isn’t the cause, move it to a brighter spot and make sure you’re not overwatering.


Any plant is prone to pests, but spider mites are a common pest on the ficus triangularis because of its many smaller, triangular leaves. You should regularly shower the plant to remove any dirt or dust, and periodically wipe the leaves down with neem oil as a preventative.

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