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Anonymous said:
have you ever thought that Polis could just be from the old greek word Polis? It literally translates to city.

I have thought about Polis or where the BLOODY HELL it is more than most people, probably. We all thought it was Annapolis until Jason confirmed that it wasn’t. So, one of my theories is that it is just referring to it being the capitol city. I do think that it is some sort of old run down city though. There is spray paint graffiti on the buildings. Remember Polis could be part of a city that hasn’t even been built yet. The apocalypse did happen in 2052. So Polis could just be referring to the type of city – a metropolis. Not a village but a place where there is rich culture and is densely populated. As to what city? If it is an existing city there are a lot of options. The one that is always at the forefront of my mind is Philadelphia. It is an older city that has a lot of graffiti in it. Plus it would be between Camp Jaha and where i think ALIE’s mansion might be. It would be about a two day walk (46 hours) to Camp Jaha and maybe a 1-1.5 day trip by horse. Another reason why I thought it might be Philadelphia is the city behind The 100 logo. I kind of analyzed that too and i do see some buildings that match. So, I’m kind of leaning toward Philly being Polis, if ‘Polis’ is named for being a metroPOLIS and capital city.   


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