How to care for Lucky Clover (Oxalis tetraphylla) as a balcony or indoor plant

Oxalis tetraphylla

Lucky Clover, Lucky Leaf, Four-Leaf-Sorrel

Lucky Clover (Oxalis tetraphylla) is sold in small pots around New Year’s Eve. If you don’t throw it away in January, you can enjoy its pink to red flowers from early summer to fall.

Plant care

Lucky Clover

Special requirements

The growing season of Lucky Clover lasts from spring to autumn. Plants bought around New Year’s Eve can be placed cool to temperate at 10 to 15 °C (50 to 59 °F) and watered only moderately. So that they don’t grow but also don’t go dormant.

Light requirements

On the balcony or in the garden Oxalis tetraphylla can be placed in a sunny to semi-shady position. Indoors sunny and bright spots are welcome.

Oxalis tetraphylla

Soil requirements

Peat free mixes for container plants, vegetables or herbs can be used.

Oxalis tetraphylla
In the evening hours Oxalis tetraphylla folds down its leaves and spends the night in this sleeping position.

Moisture requirements

During growing season, from spring to fall, keep the soil evenly moist but not wet. It may dry up to a maximum of 70 % of the pots height between the waterings. Avoid overwatering such as drying out.

Oxalis tetraphylla
Oxalis tetraphylla onions can grow to a length of between 1,1 to 1,5 inches.

Winter care

Let Oxalis tetraphylla go dormant when its leaves die back in fall. During winter it can be placed dark and cool at 1 to 10 °C (34 to 50 °F). No watering is required now. In spring when new growth emerges start with normal care.

Lucky Leaf
The pots in which Lucky Clover is offered around New Year’s Eve are not suitable for permanent culture. They can only store a little moisture and would dry out within a few hours if placed in hot summer sun.

Quick facts

Life Cycle



Wood Sorrel Family (Oxalidaceae)


6 to 12 inches

Flowering time

Early summer to fall


Dried onions are edible but contain oxalic acid.

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