Buddleia Davidii Attraction (Prop 40) 2 Gal


Item # 49

Out of Stock

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From the breeding program of Dr. Michael Dirr comes this reddish butterfly bush. ‘Attraction’ is tall, with study, long reddish purple flower spikes.   Fragrance is great, butterflies and hummingbirds love it. Easy to grow. Not picky about soil. Likes sun. Grow as a cutback shrub. I suggest cutting the plant back to about a foot from the ground in early spring as new growth begins. Zone 5-9.  Plant in back of a sunny border or as a hedge row.  Plant with black-eyed-susans, coneflowers, daisies, and daylilies for a carefree sunny border.

Light Requirement: Sun
Evergreen: No
Mature Height: 4-6 ft
Mature Width: 3-4 ft
Season of Interest: Summer
Deer Resistant: Yes
Native: No
Soil Condition: Wet
Bloom: Yes
Bloom Color: Violet
Bloom Fragrance: Mild
Attracts Pollinators: Yes