Begonia foliosa var miniata GrowTropicals

Begonia foliosa

grow-light Grow light
window-distance 9.8ft to light
window-orientation SE
3.15" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Indoor
🎂 Apr 1st
water@4x 5 Waters
snooze@4x 0 Snoozes
🔥 0x Streaks

Begonia foliosa var miniata GrowTropicals should be watered every 4 days and was last watered on Tuesday Jul 11th.

#Begonia Discussion

begonia’s leaves are not healthy

The ✨Dramaβœ¨πŸ˜‚ #Begonia #BegoniaBunch #DramaticPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #BegoniaEscargot #BeforeAndAfter

should i cut back the dead blooms?

Ok, calling all Plant and Art fans! (& Especially Plant-Art fans!! Lol πŸ˜‚).... Or, just anyone who just wants a pictorial reference to ID certain species... I saw a post earlier (which I've now lost!! Sorry!!) with a Philo leaf ID picture on it... So I shared my similar Pothos pic and realised I'd lost the other couple I had saved.. Long story short... I ended up contacting the artist directly (after finding her again on Insta) to check she was ok with me reposting her artwork and she answer REALLY quickly with a resounding YES! πŸ₯° She's a plant fiend (like us), who has just joined us on Greg! Lol 🀣 & I'm SO excited to share these BEAUTIFUL diagrams that she hand drew... Of loads of different species too! 🀩 So... please welcome @halleplants! You can find her at @HallePlants on Insta, or (if you love these as much as I do!!) on Etsy and Halleplants on Amazon!! Not only has she joined us on Greg... She's VERY kindly created a special discount code JUST FOR US!! 😲😎πŸ₯° You can use code GREG15 in her Etsy shop to get a 15% discount on her beautiful prints! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ How's that for a super special piece of planty GOLD! πŸ₯‡ Check out these beauties... The Philo ones I love in particular! You can get the single or as a group of four (I've only posted one here) but even if you're not into them as art... They're really bloody useful just as a visual ID guide! Please check her out... My new yoga-studio-come-plant room (once the renovations are finished) will be COVERED in these gorgeous prints!! 😍 Halle... I hope you see these when you join! (I know you were downloading Greg after our chat lol) xx P.s. sorry that good old glitch happened again... It's double posted the Yrad image and dropped another, and now I can't change it fit some reason?! Lmao... But you'll see what I mean! πŸ₯° Welcome Halle! You're gonna love it here! Lol πŸ₯°πŸ€£ xx #Greggang #tradescantiatroupe #monstera #monsteramob #philodendron #pothos #pothospack #philoflock #syngonium #begonia #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantart #idmyplant #jennib81

Begonias leaf tips curling and wilty? #BegoniaBunch

Browning stem

For #freshleaffriday. Philodendron goeldii, begonia maculata, and my blushing philodendron. #plantsmakepeoplehappy #philodendron #begonia

#Begonia #Terrarium #IKEAGreenhouse My collection of begonias have been growing. And my indoor greenhouse IKEA cabinets have been filling quite nicely. Here are 3 new next level begonias that I have acquired. I am hoping they thrive successfully in my care. Introducing: B.Melanobullata, B.Chlorosticta (PON) & B.U038. I have been researching PON use & I am looking forward to using it more. #pon #HappyPlants #PlantAddict #PlantsMakePeopleHappy

Angel Wing Begonia Repot I repotted my tiny baby angel wing begonia a couple days ago. I got it as a cutting in a miniature wine glass with leca and pebbles. It finally grew a new leaf and the roots looked feisty so I decided to upgrade to a year cotta pot with no hole set in a normal size wine glass filled with water. It was very root bound with all the leca. I could barely get it out! In theory with the new pot, the water will slowly seep through the terracotta at the right speed for my plant. We shall see! #AngelWingBegonia #Begonia #BegoniaBrigade #BegoniaBunch #selfwateringplanter #wineglassplanter #HappyPlants

Happy FriYayyyy!!! #FreshLeafFriday Spring into action has been kind to my planty life! My rescue Christina (Croton Magnificent) has gone from rescue to thriving after 6 weeks of hard work and dedication. Repotting her soon! Yay! La Corazon dropped her oldest leaf for her new leaf! It hurt to cut it but she made it very obvious it was time. Miles Morales has already sprung into action with his new surrounding! Chi has made it from Chicago and is giving me her new leaf vibes! Soo excited about her progress already! Albi B just refuses to stop growing! She’s my baby baby πŸ˜‚ Honorable mention goes to Vanny Poo for putting out a new stem and Athena flapping a new wing! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #Croton #RubberPlant #Begonia #CalatheaCrew #BegoniaBunch