Gymnocalycium mihanovichii hybrid

Moon Cactus

direct_sunlight Direct sunlight
sunlight-hours 3-6 hrs light
window-orientation East
4.38" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Terracotta
soil-type Succulent
outdoor-plant Outdoor
🎂 May 19th
water@4x 34 Waters
snooze@4x 1 Snoozes
🔥 34x Streaks

Gymnocalycium mihanovichii hybrid should be watered every 7 days and was last watered on Sunday May 12th.

#MoonCactus Discussion

After a year it started flowering again๐Ÿ˜ It is still thriving and loving the full sun ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ Still more flowers to come ๐Ÿ’œ #happyplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #cactusclique #cactus #floweringplants #cactusflowers #blooming #gymnocalycium

What wrong?!

How do I repot this one so itโ€™s not crooked to one side? Should I move to a bigger pot? Any ideas would be great!

Cactus starting to brown at base, any fixes? Repotting todayโ€ฆ

Whatโ€™s wrong with my moon cactus?! Iโ€™ve had her for a few weeks and she means so much to me. I over water on accident a few days ago and I havenโ€™t been involved with plants for longโ€ฆ. Can anyone help?

Hello, up front usually not good at keeping plants alive. Hence why now I have this app. The app says this guy needs more sunlight. It's been outside getting noon to afternoon sun, facing west. Any recommendations?

Whatโ€™s up with my plant?!

Hi Iโ€™m new! If anyone has any tips for this cactus comment down below! I just bought this little guy just fyi!

My daughter(5) went on a binge of watering every plant around and I was wondering if there was anyway around to save this! It's very sentimental and I will give my daughter credit for at least keeping a routine up! #planttherapy

Meet Diana. Her left side flower at top seems to be wilting but her shaft looks ok. Should I just cut the top off or is there something else I should be doing to help her out? Thanks for your input!