Shopping trip

You know how it goes; you go to a garden, Rosemoor in this instance and see a plant you simply must have, Polygonatum x hybridum ‘Betburg’ on this outing.

You get home and look at the RHS website to see who is listing it; excellent, a nursery quite close by, Barracott Plants, at Gunnislake. Thought they only retailed at shows, they’re open Thursdays and Fridays, must get along there.

Off I go this morning, having checked their website and drawn up a bit of a tentative checklist.

I doubt a week passes that I don’t wish I had a bigger garden. There are so many good plants out there and I have room for only a tiny fraction of them. I didn’t get much from my list but here is what I came away with. No Polygonatum ‘Betburg’, sadly.

Polygonatum humile
Polygonatum mengzense f. tonkinensis HWJ573
Polygonatum odoratum Purple Stem
Convallaria majalis Vic Pawlowski’s Gold
Convallaria majalis Hofheim
Maianthemum bifolium
Trollius Alabaster
Mukgenia Nova Flame
Primula pulverulenta (a pale seedling that caught my eye)


Convallaria majalis ‘Vic Pawlowski’s Gold’
Polygonatum mengzense f. tonkinensis HWJ573
Polygonatum odoratum Purple Stem
Mukgenia Nova Flame


I have more space for shade lovers than sun lovers, as you can see. Came home, had a bit of lunch then set about planting them. There were a few other waifs and strays that need to go out too, so to that list can be added

Clematis recta
Lathyrus grandiflorus
Athyrium Ocean’s Fury
Dryopteris cycadina

Not a bad days work and if the rain holds off I’ll go and pot on my Dahlias too.

And the up side of them not having everything I wanted is that I have a perfect excuse to go again.

3 thoughts on “Shopping trip

  1. Wonderful plants – particularly the Trollius ‘Alabaster’, in my opinion! Did you like David Bowie? If so, remember that ‘there’s never, ever gonna be enough [“garden” in our case!]’ And how I wish I had, like you, more shade! Enjoy your new plants and next purchases …


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