Adam and daffodils

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How to publish more daffodil photos after so many years?
Well firstly I took them last thing at night as the light was fading, in the shadows. That has muted the colours and contrasts – but left them a little on the dull and grey side of “nice”.

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Then I thought that i would add a couple of quotes re Adam being a gardener. For those not familiar with christianity – Adam is the first man in the bible. God set him  (and Eve) in the garden of Eden. He may have been a gardener but more likely he was the laird of Eden and there were dozens of gardening Angels around tending the flower beds etc.
If Adam was a lazy gardener (mike me) or an absentee gardener (like me) then he must have planted loads of daffodils. They are probably the most low maintenance flower there is. Not only do you need to do almost nothing for them except mow the grass after the leaves die down July – time (hence saving two or three months of grass mowing – depending on where you live); not only that but they divide and increase almost every year once they are established. You can start out with a dozen bulbs and within a few years you will have a hundred. They will all be the same type but that only inproves the drift and mass planting effect – mass planting with out the mass effort.
This year will be the time to split up some of the older clumps – they are ver crowded after a minimum of 5 years without interference. Once the leaves have died down I shall dig, split and wait so that next year – and so on – we will be close to almost complete coverage of the garden in Spring – there will be a host of hosts of daffodils… host of daffodils/ host of angels – coincidence? 
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From the children’s song:
Adam was a gardener and Eve, she was his spouse,
They got the sack for stealing fruit and went to keeping house.
They lived a very quiet life and peaceful in the main
Until they had a baby and started raising Cain.

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From Rudyard Kipling’s the the Glory of the Garden (via )

Oh, Adam was a gardener, and God who made him sees, that half a proper gardeners work is done upon his knees, so when your work is finished, you can wash your hands and pray……for the glory of the garden, that it may not pass away.

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