Tag Archives: dead pigeon

Dirty Birdy


"Fall is coming"

Summer is winding down and it’ll be winter before we know it. My days are numbered for biking to work for sure. The chill is in the air now and like hell if I’ll be biking in cold weather. I saw this dead bird this morning just outside of where I work. He was lying around the corner from the bike racks. I had to take his picture because what a great death pose. His face looks so peaceful, like he’s just sleeping. He makes the pavement look so comfortable. My father is always reading into these types of things for meaning. What does this mean? Should I quit my job? Should I stop biking to work? Are we going to have an early Fall? Dad would know what this meant. But we’re not on speaking terms presently. I am not sure where he is but whatever drama is ensuing I am in ignorant bliss. The last I heard he was fired and evicted in the same weekend and all he owned was in a truck that died on the highway no where near his destination and I don’t think he had any money. Maybe I shouldn’t put too much weight on whatever he might think. Maybe this is just a dead pigeon. It just flew in to a glass building like 1000s of birds do all the time. Of course he was all cleaned up by the time I mounted my bike for home this afternoon. I did think about him. I am so glad I took this picture. I am sure the grounds keeper who saw me thought I was some kind of sick and twisted person. ♪