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February 10, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-10

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Page Four


Saturday, February 10, 1940

So You Won't Eat This Week,_Fellows!
But What's The Difference- Conway, Detroit; Jane Hart, '40; aret Horman, Detroit; Ethel Pierce, stance Roth, Youngstown, Ohio; Williams, '43; Ruth Selby, '43; Jeanne
Look At All The Fun You're Ivonne Westrate, '41; Sally Wetstein, Gresse Pointe; Jean Osborn, She- Sally Graham, Detroit; Dorothy Howard, '42; Joan Clement, '43; Betty
Detroit; Margaret Bancroft, '42; boygan, Wis.; Mary Lou Barnette, Walker, '42; Eunice Herzenberg, Buf- Cornell, '42.
Having. Or Aren't You ? Mary Major, '41; Janet Unruh, '41; Grosse Pointe; Eleanor Verdon, Kal- falo, N.Y.; Kappa Nu
Lois Kelley, Joliet, Ill.; Janet Colvin, amazoo; Jeane Groenier, Chicago. Jeanne Goldstein, '41; Jeanne Katie Goldberg, Detroit; Rhea
(Continued from Page 3) Detroit. 1S'gma Alpha Epsilon Edelman, '41; Phyllis Tomashoff, Gootson, London, Ont.; Marcia Lee
Phi Kappa Sigma Frances Nevin, '41; Dorothy Keene, '41; Shirley Simon, Detroit; Muriel Solovich, Detroit; Ruth Shulman, '42;
wood, O.; Patricia Tapping, Grosse Anne Minckler, '41; Anna Jean '41; Beatrice Snoke, '42; Pauline Tl- Lipson, '43; June Feldman, Chicago; Rose Friedenberg, '43; Ethel Kimmel,
Pointe; Dorothy Houseman, San Williams, '42; Emmy Lou Russell, hurst, '40; Suzanne Barlow, '41; Eileen Blumberg, Detroit. '42; Lane Friedman, '43; Rose Lands-
Francisco; Marion Young, Highland Mt. Pleasant; Virginia Sloan, Buf- Madelaine Westendorf, '40; Mary Sigma Chi berg, Elkins, Pa.; Alyce Bigelman,
Park, Ill.; Peggy Brucker, Grosse falo, N.Y.; June E. Bock, '40; Adele Margaret Meloche, '40; Mary M. Sel-, Ruth Hatfield, '40; Virginia Sker- Detroit; Eleanor Posner, Detroit.
Pointe; Bonnie Kate Idema, Grand .atholomew, '43; Dorothy Josefy, len, '43; Marion L. Conde, '41; Anne ry, Ottawa, Ill.; Barbara West, Troy, Leonore Vaas, Detroit; Adele Rob-
Rapids; Margaret Ann Gibson, Hunt- Grand Rapids; Josephine Alexander, Stubblefield. St. Joseph; Jean Wag- Ohio; Jane Vennell, '41; Dorothy M. ins, Detroit; Kay Ziff, '40; Bett
ington, W. Va.; Virginia Cunning- '41; Betty Brougham, '42; Corinne goner, St. Louis, Mo.; Ruth Mahan, Weller, Chicago; Jeanette Ellsworth' Steinhart, '40; Blossom Rovetch, De-
ham, Huntington, W.Va.; Louis Tap- Ross, Milan; Margaret Hulbert, '42. Detroit; Helena, Mont.; Mildred Christa, '43;
ping, Grosse Pointe; Mary J. Ripley, Armstrong, Detroit; Eliza- Betty Simond Detroit; Jean L Wanda Campbell, Detroit; Donno(Continuedo n Page 7)
pigCreen ACampbelletrDetroit;- DonnaSiondsDetrot;_JenL._-_--__-----_--------
Maplewood, N.J.; Lois Nelson, Detroit; teth Gram, '43; Lee Henderson, '42; Bertram, Detroit; Olivia De Havil- Miles, '41; Marion Hallas, '40; Ruth
Doria Bolton, '39; Lorraine Burbridge, Elaine Baird, '42; Ruth Fausel, '42; and, Hollywood, Calif.; Elizabeth Skeg, Iron River;
Grand Rapids; Irene Cameron, De Chris Lee, '42; Arlene Shanley, De- Benson, '41; Virginia Ward, '42; Carol Elizabeth Schlinkert, Centralia,f4RTISTS
troit. troit; Pitcher, '43; Mary Ann Burr, Little Ill.; Mary Louise Hart, '39; Mary D
Delta Tau Delta Nelly Longstaff, Mt. Clemens; Jane Rock, Ark.; Marjorie Kephart, Ber- Ann Pierce, Rochester, N.Y.; Jean Aeaty .ยง O
Euphemia Haymans, '43; Helen Haney, New Philadelphia, Ohio; rien Springs; Betty Galloway, Little Rowe, Galesburg, Ill.; Constance
Pierce, Reading, Pa.; Betty Wright, _Rock Ark.; Barbara Freaking, Berry, '40; Charlotte Schreiber, '40; SHAmpoo and FNGERWAVE
Pleasant Ridge; Isabelle Balfour, '42; -Charleston, S.C.; Marian Conde, Tuella Rose, Lansing; Marian Mann, All Week - 50c
Jean Shugert, Rochester, Pa.; Peggy ac Flint. '43; Clara L. Fulde, '41.
Seabright, '41; Betty Dunseith, Royal Sigma Alpha Mu Kappa Dela ho-WEEK SPECIAL
Oak; Barbara Foote, '42; Lois Gard- ~ Mignon Goodman, Detroit; Nina Grace Helen Barton, '41; Floris $6 Permanents for $3
ner, Manistee. I1 Gradis, Detroit; Dorothy Davidson, Compton, '41; Doris Anderson, Chica- 611 East Liberty St.
Kay Dye,'42; Rae Gustafson, River- '; i43; Betty Simmons, Detroit; Pearl go, Ill.; Charlotte Day, Athens; Pa- Near Michigan Theatre
ite Ill, Porrtsmt, '4; Dorothy . Koblenz, '43; Zelda Davis, '40; Ethyl tricia Walpole, '41; Alexandra Morri- Phone 3020 Open Evenings
Mitchell, Portsmouth, O.; Dorothy I Berk, '43; Hazel Taylor, '43; Con- son, Detroit; Matilda Pabst, '42; Joan__
Hughes, '42; Marjorie Ashley, '43; - -
Margaret Huff, Dover, O.; Gale Abott, ?
Detroit; Lois E. Ruddell, Chariton,
Ia.; Florence Eurich, Detroit.
Jean Whiting, Standish; Carol Bry-
ant, Aurora, Ill.; Mary Agnes Thill,
Detroit; Lucy Black, Mt. Pleasant; Graduating?
Doris Disney, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Camilla
Ayers, '42; Betty Ann Smalwood, Christine Honeck, '42; Marie Wasch-
Detroit. er, Flint; Helen Stark, '43; Eleanor
Delta Upsilon Williams, '42; Betty Jellis, Ypsilanti;
Shirley McLean, Elgin, Ill.; Bar- Alicia Lavers, Detroit; Martha Pet-
bara Barry, Ann Arbor; Charlotte ers, '42; Margaret Davidson, '42;
Cleary, '43; Betty Whitely, '42; Betty Esther Marshall, Wilmette, Ill.
Barnett, '43; Annabell Van Winkle, Phi Rho Sigma
'41; Barbara Kellog, '42; Dorothy Duth Davis, '41; Betty J. Pollard,
Boyer, '40; Marion Bill, '43; Francis '43; Belle Calkins. '41; Edna Skagen,
Gilray, Oak Park, Ill. 42; Virginia Benedict, Rochester,
Barbara Bookser, '41; Margaret Minn.; Cornelia Van Zanten, Grand
Dodge, '42; Berna Deane Purgett, Rapids; Helen Walters, Pittsburgh,
'42; Geta Becker, '41; Betty Kamke, Pa.; Edna Skagen, Bessemer.
'43; Lucille Miller, '42; Dorothy Phi Sigma Delta
Trump, '42; Ruth Willits, '43; Doro- Beverly Hamburger, '40; Elaine
Fisher.42; Viola Schwartz, New
thy Austin, Fenton; Barbara Eckert, Fse,'2 il cwrz e
thy EastinFeon;DBararaiEt York, N.Y.; Jane Birnbaum, Detroit;
'42; Evangelin Prestel, Detroit. Vivian Nussbaum, '43; Muriel Lu-
Fletcher Hall bin, '41; Frances Bierman, Detroit;
Kathryn V. Bird, Highland Park; Miriam Rubin, '41;
Marjorie Bowen, '43; Lois Drummond, Ronnie Feigenbaum, '43; Edith Le-
'42; Dorothy Bliemeister, Buffalo, N. veene, '41; Bernice Gantz, Detroit;
Y.; Miriam Phelps, Grosse Point; Shirley Lee, Detroit; Bernice Niemer,
Mildred Curtis, '42; Virginia Risdon, Detroit; Charlotte Sharff, '40; Dor- GINGER ALE
Detroit; Virginia Le Duc, Detroit; othy Fishman, Detroit.
Genevieve George, '41; Eva Ross, Phi Sigma Kappa
Jackson; Bette Jepson, Detroit; Rho- Mary Kay Mootz, '41; Mary Jo Har-
da Chambers, Detroit; Doris E. Mc- wood, Cleveland; Blanche Tichenor,
Glone, '41; Dorothy Heisel, Detroit. Detroit; Cecily Forrest, '40; Marion
Hermitage Phillips, '42; Jean Skinner, Ypsilanti;IIs Selected for the
Ruth Mast, '41; Marion Spangen- Betty Gibson, Pittsburgh; Jo Fry,
berg, Milwaukee, Wis.; Peggy Han- 40; Sally Connery, '40; Marion
non, Muncie, Ind.; Janet F. Dicken- Morse, '41; Elinor King, Detroit;
son, '41; Betty J. Huber, '41; Madra Harriet Johnston, Detroit; Jane Nel-
Spangler, '42; Elaine Chapman, Bay son, Chicago; Tony Aalbersberg, '40;
City; Helen Stockbridge, '40; Barbara Rachel Stevens, Plantsville, Conn.;
Nelson, '41; June Greenfield, Detroit; Frances Besancon, '42.
Margaret Martin, '41; Ila Waggoner, Psi Upsilon
'42; Helen Ely, Ludington; Martha Betty Jickling, '43; Betty Johnson, A t the 1940 J H o
At the 9401J-op
McCrory, '41; Harriet Hoffman, '40; '41; Elizabeth Titus, '40; Elizabeth
Margaret Ewin, Helen Gimerson. Hegge, '40; Miriam Smith, '42; Jean
Phi Epsilon Pi McCombs, Detroit; Nancy Gene Hat-
Barbara Finsterwald, Detroit; Bet- tersley, Erie, Pa.; Barbara Watson,
ty Jones, Macon, Ga.; Marjorie Ros- Buffalo, N.Y.;
enthal, Detroit; Jean Brodie, '42. Margaret W'ight, '42; Mary Fen-
Phi Kappa Psi ner, Chicago; Cherie Nan Moffett,
Betty Brundrett, Troy, Ohio; Elsie Detroit; Phyllis Fowler, '41; Jean
Courtney, '42; Ruth Randall, Oak Knappen, '43; Patsy McKinnon, '41;
Park, Ill.; Janet Lausten, Detroit; Charlotte Vrooman, Spec; Charlotte
Margaret Samuel, Flint; Betsy Orr, Jolliffe, Plymouth; Berta Leete, for party service call Ann Arbor 8447
'43; Helen Rhodes, '42; Mary Ashley, '40; Olga Gruhzit, '43; Mary Gray
'41; Edith Lynch, '41; Nancy Chap- Hufft, Chicago; Suzanne Harbert,
man, '42; Jane Nussbaum, '40; Ag- Battle Creek;
nes Crow, '42. Martha Bedford, Oneida, N.Y.; Su-
Lenore Warner, Detroit; Mary Lou zanne Barns, Battle Creek; Marg-
_L Ununnunuu

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