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Face The Unknown In Dead by Daylight’s All Things Wicked


Behind you. In the reflection of the screen. A face. Head titled ever so slightly. Mouth agape. From it comes a voice. When it calls to you, don’t turn around. Even if you think you recognize it.” - An excerpt from the creepypasta “Facing The Unknown” (Anonymous)

The Unknown. There are many that speculate the nature of its origin. No one has come close to understanding the truth. Were they to succeed in doing so, they would not be alive to share their theories, which include those listed below. Note that some appear more credible than others.

An extraterrestrial.
A serial killer. A demonic and/or paranormal entity.
A government experiment gone awry. A shared hallucination. A person in a costume. A hoax.

This raises a question. Does it exist at all? It cannot be denied that many have shared alleged encounters with The Unknown. Though concrete evidence of its existence has remained, by and large, elusive, we have compiled several examples of speculated sightings from a variety of sources, all of which have occurred within the past several months.


Hiker Missing After Alleged Bear Attack: Caution Advised

Hikers have been advised to avoid [REDACTED] after a man has been reported missing. Signs of a struggle indicate a possible bear attack. Rescue parties are conducting a considerable search effort. - GTV News

Neighbor Appeared “Strange” In Days Before Disappearance: Report

“I didn’t know him that well, but he was always friendly, "says [redacted], who neighbored [redacted’s] dormitory. “Still, in the days before know...something was different. He was asking if I’d ever heard about this...strange creature. He seemed obsessed with it.” - [Redacted] University Newsletter

Young Woman Thought Abducted; Neighbours Report Unsettling Noises

Though her partner refused to comment, her neighbor [redacted] told us that she heard strange noises upon her return home. “At first I thought it was raccoons,” she says. “They’ve been in our backyard every night. But my dog was really shaken up, and next thing I know I hear that poor boy screaming [redacted’s] was horrible.” - Greenville Times

Given the frequency of reports, not to mention proximity to the town of Greenville, it stands to reason that, should it exist at all, The Unknown seems to frequent the region. A theory has arisen that its presence has something to do with the numerous disappearances that stretch as far back as the early twentieth century.

The recent disappearance of [redacted] in the long-abandoned Greenville Cinema is yet another unexplainable occurrence. Subsequent news reports with [redacted’s] parents suggest she was wracked with guilt over the disappearance of a close friend. It is unclear whether there is a connection, though it’s curious that [redacted] chose to investigate this particular Cinema, given its tragic history.

It is whispered that, among [redacted’s] possessions were a book of invocations, suggesting an interest – or potential awareness – of the supernatural. As many have sought to track down The Unknown, presumably to confirm its existence, perhaps [redacted] was among them. Were that to be the case, it’s unlikely that she will ever be seen again.

That is, of course, if The Unknown exists at all.

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