Dawn Wink: Dewdrops

Landscape, Language, Teaching, Wildness, Beauty, Imagination

A World for the Moment—Flowers of Summer


Summer bouquets

“When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it’s your world for the moment. I want to give that world to somebody else.” ~ Georgia O’Keeffe
First bouquet of summer.

First bouquet of summer.

I came across these thoughts by Georgia O’Keeffe last week and they give voice to one of my favorite rhythms of summer—planting flowers, so I can give people bouquets. I love leaving bouquets at friends’ doors, bringing to our campus office and for my classes and colleagues.  There is something about this that makes me exponentially happy and hopefully create a bit of beauty and joy for the recipient.

Though summer edges into fall, the flowers still bloom and I hope to get a few more weeks and bouquets before the weather turns cold. 

Mason jars for bouquets.

Mason jars for bouquets.

I have discovered an essential element of giving bouquets—give them in something that people don’t need to worry about returning. For this reason, I love mason jars. I buy them by the flat during the summer. They are pretty, inexpensive, and it doesn’t matter if they are returned, so people can enjoy the flowers, without worrying about washing and returning the vase. Love this.

The bouquets tend to be messy, filled with flowers that happen to be blooming at that time. I love the colors and textures and wildness of all. Here are some of the bouquets from this summer and the flowers that I love to plant that compose them.

Flowers in the garden.

Flowers in the garden.

Bouquet after.

Bouquet after.

Through the years, I’ve come to have some particular favorites for flowers—zinnias, cosmos, roses, gaillardia, and lavender.

Gaillardia, often called Mexican Hat.

Gaillardia, often called Mexican Hat.



I love bringing flowers to my classes. I brought this to our Orientation to the Teaching Profession class on the first night. The day started…”Dawn, come here,” our student worker on campus said and then peeled off my sweater.
I thought maybe that she just thought my outfit would look better without the sweater…
Then, she turned it RIGHT-SIDE-OUT and put it back on me. Classic first day of teaching—thinking about everything-school and put my my clothes on inside out!

First night of class.

First night of class.

I especially love leaving flowers at peoples’ doors or on their desks for them as a surprise.

Bouquets for friends, ready for delivery.

Bouquets for friends, ready for delivery.

Pink cosmo.

Pink cosmo.

Marigolds, ready for summer bouquets and to be dried to usher in the spirits for the Day of the Dead.


A Dewdrops bouquet, picked this morning, especially for you.

holding bouquet

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Author: Dawn Wink

Dawn Wink is a writer and educator whose work explores language, landscape, wildness, beauty, and imagination.

32 thoughts on “A World for the Moment—Flowers of Summer

  1. What a lovely tradition, Dawn! Your flower bouquets in mason jars are so special. Thanks for sharing!!!
    Janet 🌻🌷🌹

  2. Pingback: A World for the Moment—Flowers of Summer | Dawn Wink: Dewdrops

  3. Pingback: Covid Gardens—Poetry for our Times | Dawn Wink: Dewdrops

  4. Pingback: Backyard – Luke | Dawn Wink: Dewdrops

  5. Pingback: Rhythms of Season | Dawn Wink: Dewdrops

  6. Pingback: New Horizon | Dawn Wink: Dewdrops

  7. Love the flowers! I feel that you sent each one of those bouquets to me! Thank you.

  8. So beautiful, thanks Dawn.
    love always

  9. This made my day!

  10. I LOVE this idea, Dawn! I can’t wait to put it into practice — You are such a tremendous, eternal giver. And you shine because of it. Thank you for sharing it. How can you NOT smile and feel all good inside after reading this post?

    • Hey dear Kate! I love the thought of our sharing this during the summer months. Can’t wait to see photos of your garden and bouquets! I will miss you at the Women Writing the West conference and know you will be there with us in spirit!

  11. Dawn, this is such a wonderful piece. And thanks for giving me my own Dewdrops bouquet yesterday. I’m really enjoying having your garden (and by extension, you!) right here in my cozy nest. XOXO

  12. Thank you Dawn, for such bright cheery bouquets and pictures, here sometimes we call the Gaillardia the Indian blanket too. Getting ready for some chilly weather, predictions of snow in the Hills and some frost! Yuk, or yikes, I may bring in some pots if the warning is serious! Love your reflection too!

    • Mary Kay, and Gaillardia is Indian Blanket on the prairie, too. Flowers before the cold. Mom said that yesterday was the last expected warm day – and predictions of snow in the Hills? Wow… Yes, bring in those pots. Here’s to the final flowers of summer to us both!

  13. Next summer, I want a flower garden just for cutting! Thank you for sharing pictures of your radiantly, colorful bouquets.

  14. Thanks for all the beauty Dawn, love the Gaillardia, flower and colors of my alma mater, Southwest Texas State U. Also called Indian Blanket and Firewheel and no telling what else.

    • Dan, the flower and colors of your alma mater! What gorgeous symbolism and beauty for your school. I loved this, “Indian Blanket and Firewheel and no telling what else.” Isn’t this so true? The beauty of the different names depending on region and history. Thank you.

  15. beautiful flowers Dawn!

  16. Beautiful Dawn, reminds me when we were young and gathered flowers from my Nana’s garden!

  17. Thank you Dawn!

  18. Oh, Dawn how absolutely lovely – what a gift you have bestowed upon all your readers. Thank you so very much 🙂 As for Mason jars – whatever would we do without them? I make yogurt in the quart size, use the smaller size to serve iced tea, make sun tea in the larger ones, use them to store leftover food in the frig, use some of the really big, wide-mouth jars for natural plant dyeing of yarn and fabric. Oh, yes, they can even be used for canning and preserving 😀 Thank you again for such beautiful flowers 🙂

    • Lindy, whatever would we do without Mason jars? Isn’t that just so true?! 🙂 Homemade yogurt, how delicious. And natural plant dyeing of yarn and fabric? How incredible. I would love to see photos sometime. I’m so glad that you love the flowers and jars and friendship, as I do, and to share all with you.

  19. Thanks again for taking time to be in a tiny world with me inside the pink rose. It was a joy!

    Sent from my little device to yours


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