Posted in Chickens, Gardens, Gardens, lifestyle, self-sufficiency, environmental issues, adventure, Self-sufficiency

A little pear tree


As I have earlier mentioned, plants and hens sometimes – often – don’t go together. Either the plants don’t like the chickens and end up poisoning them (Thankfully I think my bantams are too canny to eat poison, touch wood) or the hens like the plants – too much, unfortunately, as it can often be a case of a nibble here, a nibble there, and suddenly the greenery has vanished into thin air.

One solution is to get a fruit tree. The tree leaves should be too high for hungry hens to forage and a tree bearing fruit is always a useful plant for a garden.

So here’s a big welcome to Cosy Cottage’s conference pear tree.

No, Mabel, it’s not for you to eat.


  • Facts of the Day 
  • 1. The conference is ‘reliable and self-fertile… It has long, pale green fruit.’
  • 2. Other varieties of pear are Jargonelle, Beurre Hardy and Marguerite Marillat.
  • 3. The pear’s ‘natural home is in the countries around the Mediterranean – it needs more warmth and sunshine than an apple tree’ if it is to fruit well.
  • Information courtesy of Growing Food by Anna Pavord


Interested in environmental issues, wildlife, spirituality, gardening, self-sufficiency and mini-adventures. There are two blogs, one is and the other, more recent one, is - ☺️

14 thoughts on “A little pear tree

  1. Back on farm many years ago, our chickens would always make holes around the trees. Thankfully the olives didn’t mind so much! Lovely having fresh eggs so the chickens stayed!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. It looks as though Mabel is sizing the new tree up for a snack nonetheless! Good luck to the new addition, and I hope it bears you lots of fruit. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m going to get a dwarf conference pear tree next year. I actually saw some at the Range and hope they will have them then.

    Anyway, I didn’t know that pears originated from around the Mediterranean. I’d thought they were as British as apples.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I read about the pear tree being from the Mediterranean from a book called Growing Food by Anna Pavord. She didn’t go into much detail, just said ‘the pear’s natural home is in the warm countries around the Mediterranean’. Unless she meant a particular variety? I’ve never really thought about pears before until I got my pear tree. Just thought they were tasty and refreshing and otherwise took them for granted! The more I write, the more I realise there is so much more to learn! 🙂


      1. Yes, you’re right, and hopefully one doesn’t stand another one’s shoulders or back. 🙂 We had a neighbor with plum, pear and peach trees years ago. We just moved here and they had these trees and would give us bags of fruit. My mom was always baking treats with them. She’d share some treats with this elderly couple. They moved into an apartment as it was a corner house, and too large to maintain and the new neighbor cut down all the trees.

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