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About Project:

I'm big fan of Ben 10 old series, I do not like the new series, there are reboots an offense to ben 10.

I want to bring back the old Ben 10 series because i love them and I'm tired of these reboots with Ben 10.

I already made the scenarios, but I need your help to become real this big dream. You can support me with a small donation, as small as possible to raise the necessary funds to get everything that is needed to bring that series back such as special and sophisticated animation programs, employees to handle music, sound, voices and other things etc, so without your help I can not make these things happen because I do not have enough money to afford all the necessary costs. Below you can see a gallery with some images of the Ben 10 project that I'm trying to do with your help, It's just a small part of what I've done but if I have enough support I swear I will bring back the Ben 10 series that you loved some time ago, also i have a donation button to help me with any amount, thank you anyway. More update's on page coming soon.

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