Maximum size : 7 cm

Schwartzs Corydoras - Corydoras schwartzi Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Schwartz's Corydoras (Corydoras schwartzi) characterized by their slightly larger size compared to most Corydoras species, exhibit a captivating aesthetic appeal with remarkable patterning. These fish possess engaging personalities and exhibit a peaceful demeanour, rendering them well-suited for inclusion in a variety of community aquariums. For optimal well-being, it is recommended to maintain Schwartz's Corys in social groups consisting of no less than six individuals. The presence of conspecific companions enhances their activity levels and confidence, as they are inherently shoaling species in their natural habitat.

When considering suitable tankmates, small to medium-sized Characins, Cyprinids, Gouramis, Dwarf Cichlids, and other peaceful Catfish species are deemed appropriate. However, it is advisable to avoid housing them alongside aggressive or significantly larger tankmates. Should the intention be to breed these Corys, maintaining them in a species-exclusive aquarium is crucial to prevent the consumption of their eggs by other voracious fish.

To emulate the natural environment of Schwartz's Corydoras, an aquarium setup incorporating a sandy substrate and the addition of driftwood is recommended. Beechwood can also be utilized, provided it is thoroughly dried and stripped of its bark. Dim lighting conditions contribute to the well-being of the fish. To achieve a complete natural ambience, the introduction of dried leaves to tint the water can be considered. However, it is important to replace these leaves periodically to prevent rotting and water pollution. The addition of aquarium-safe peat in the filter aids in simulating black water conditions.

While aquatic plants may not be found in the natural waters of this Cory species, they appreciate the presence of a well-planted aquarium. Maintaining water quality is of utmost importance for the thriving of Schwartz's Corydoras, as they are sensitive to deteriorating conditions. A robust maintenance schedule, including regular cleaning of the substrate and significant water changes, is essential. It is worth noting that inadequate water conditions may result in the loss of their barbels, a characteristic common among all Corydoras species.

Schwartz's Corydoras showcase silvery bodies embellished with two prominent dark lines flanking each side of their lateral body plates. Additional broken lines are scattered throughout their bodies and fins, further enhancing their visual appeal. The caudal and dorsal fins feature transverse dark spots, while the first dorsal fin ray stands out with its notable size and white colouration.

Schwartzs Corydoras Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Schwartz's Corydoras can present certain challenges. Nonetheless, a reliable indicator is a subtle disparity in size between the two genders upon reaching full maturity. Females generally exhibit a slightly greater length compared to males, along with a broader physique, particularly when they are gravid with eggs.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCorydoras schwartzi
Year Described1963
Other NamesSchwartz's catfish
Max Size7 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 2 - 25
Ideal Temperature
72 - 79
22 - 26

Natural Habitat

Schwartz's Corydoras, native to the Purus River Basin in Brazil, South America, predominantly inhabit diverse aquatic environments within the region. These environments encompass small tributaries, flooded forest areas, creeks, and sandbanks. Notably, their natural habitat features a scarcity of aquatic vegetation.


Breeding Schwartz's Corydoras presents certain challenges, although their reproductive process closely resembles that of other Corydoras species. Establishing a dedicated breeding tank featuring either a bare bottom or a substrate composed of sand or fine gravel is advisable. The inclusion of an air-powered sponge filter and clusters of java moss is recommended. Creating optimal breeding conditions entails maintaining a temperature of approximately 75 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH level of around 6.5. Employing reverse osmosis (RO) water and filtering it through peat can also be advantageous.

Achieving a higher ratio of males to females during Corydoras breeding is beneficial, with an ideal proportion of two males per female. Preparing the breeding group through a varied diet encompassing dried, live, and frozen foods aids in stimulating spawning behaviour. Once the females display signs of being full of eggs, performing a significant water change with cooler water and augmenting flow and oxygenation in the tank should be carried out, repeating this process daily until the fish spawn.

As the fish reach readiness for spawning, heightened activity, characterized by the male pursuit of the females, may be observed. The females will indicate their willingness by permitting the males to touch them with their barbels, triggering the adoption of the classic T-position. The female will then form a basket with her pelvic fins, depositing 1 to 4 eggs within. After fertilization, she will swim away in search of a suitable location, typically the tank's glass near an area with a swift current, to deposit the eggs. This cycle is repeated until the female has laid all her eggs.

Once spawning is complete, it is crucial to promptly remove either the adults or the eggs to prevent consumption. If the decision is made to relocate the eggs, it is noteworthy that they possess considerable strength and can be easily rolled up the glass using a finger. The new tank should be well-oxygenated and maintain the same water parameters as the breeding tank. Adding a few drops of methylene blue to the water is advisable to inhibit fungal growth on the eggs; however, any eggs exhibiting signs of fungus must be promptly removed to prevent its spread.

Generally, the eggs will hatch between 3 and 5 days later, with the fry initially subsisting on their yolk sacs. Once the yolk sacs have been consumed, providing the fry with nourishment, such as microworms and baby brine shrimp, becomes necessary. It is worth noting that maintaining the fry in a tank with a thin layer of sand rather than a bare bottom appears to enhance their resistance to diseases.

Diet & Feeding

Schwartz's Corydoras readily accept a wide range of high-quality dried food options, including granules, flakes, and sinking pellets. These modern food formulations have been meticulously designed to meet the nutritional requirements necessary for maintaining optimal fish health and fulfilling their dietary needs. While these dried foods alone are sufficient, supplementing their diet with additional live, frozen, or freeze-dried meals, such as bloodworms, daphnia, and tubifex once or twice a week, can provide additional health benefits and enhance their overall well-being. However, it is important to note that bloodworms should only be given as an occasional treat and should not constitute the staple diet, as they can be challenging for fish to digest and may potentially lead to blockages.

In their natural habitat, Schwartz's Corydoras exhibit omnivorous feeding behaviour, including the consumption of vegetable matter. Although most modern fish foods incorporate these components in their formulations, it is still possible to supplement their diet with blanched vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, and zucchini. Care should be taken to avoid overfeeding, and any uneaten food should be promptly removed the following day to maintain optimal water conditions.

Other Corydoras

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