Photographic Review

This is no more than a set of photographs taken in the garden during this last week, selected because they appeal to me either for the subject matter or that I just like the photograph.

As I particularly enjoy photographing flowers I have in mind to make this a regular blog post. We’ll see!

Anemone coronaria
Anemone coronaria, a native of Mediterranean countries but happy here in a dry hot spot.
Anemone nemerosa 'Buckland Blue' with red primulas
Anemone nemerosa ‘Buckland Blue’, a large-flowered form of the native wood anemone bought on a holiday, visiting gardens, in England. From The Garden House, Devon which is situated in Buckland Monochorum
Athyrium niponicum, Japanese Painted Fern, Oriental Lady Fern.
Athyrium niponicum, the Japanese Painted Fern; also called Oriental Lady Fern.
Bergenia 'Rosi Klose'
Bergenia ‘Rosi Klose’ one of the nicest of Bergenia flowers
Butterfly. Holly Blue. (1)
Holly Blue butterfly: A very small blue butterfly which generally flits about here and there but which obliged by settling long enough for me to take a photograph
Chasmanthe biflora
Chasmanthe biflora, a native of South Africa.
Disporum sessile macrophyllum (2)
Disporum sessile macrophyllum, which looks a little like Solomon’s Seal but with bigger flowers. It has started to spread about a little and will be a pleasant addition to the garden.
Gingko 'Troll' Rock, Primula veris and fallen petals from Magnolia stellata
It looks like it has snowed here during the last week but this is simply the fallen petals of an overhead Magnolia stellata setting off the primrose and the miniature Gingko ‘Troll’
Gladiolus tristis (1)
Gladiolus tristis – the “sad” gladiolus? Some white flowers are associated with death – the common white Zanthedesia, for example, but I still wonder why this gladiolus is thought to be sad.
Magnolia stellata. Box balls.
Magnolia stellata shedding its petals in recent rain
Magnolia x soulangeana in Lane Fallen petals (4)
Another magnolia shedding petals. This one is Magnolia x soulangeana
Malus floridunda (1)
A favourite tree, Malus floridunda, well named as it certainly is covered abundantly in flower. The flowerbuds are a dark reddish pink and the flowers open pink, changing to white.
Olearia phylogopappa ‘Comber’s Blue’
Olearia phlogopappa ‘Comber’s Blue’. This is a cultivar of the dusty daisy bush which grows in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. It came to our garden as a kind gift from a friend.
Paris quadrifolia
Paris quadrifolia. Sometimes we hit lucky. Paris are generally slow growing plants. I have other species in the garden which perform true to reputation – frustratingly slow growers – but this one simply romps away in the garden.
Parrotiopsis jacquemontiana
Parrotiopsis jacquemontiana, related to the witch hazels and an interesting rather than a showy shrub.
Polygonatum x hybridum 'Betberg'
Polygonatum x hybridum ‘Betberg’, a dark-leaved cultivar of Solomon’s Seal named for a village in Germany. The dark foliage fades to green as the season progresses.
Primula with Camellia 'Miss Charleston'
Simple and bright colours – all that one needs at times: Camellia ‘Miss Charleston’ with primulas
Tulip White in pot on patio
A white tulip, growing in a pot on the patio, and I always love the way the sun shines through it.
Tulipa bakeri 'Lilac Wonder'
Tulipa bakeri ‘Lilac Wonder’. Mary brought 5 bulbs home to me as a gift from Mackey’s Garden Shop in Mary St., Dublin in September 1988. It has since spread about quite a bit and, despite its odd colours, I like it very much.
Tulipa clusiana 'Peppermint Stick'
Tulipa clusiana ‘Peppermint Stick’ – As well as being very pretty this tulip has the great benefit of being reliably perennial.

10 thoughts on “Photographic Review

    1. I think I enjoy my strolls around the garden with the camera more than the gardening! My lazy side – or my “slow-gardening” side!


    1. It gives a pretty effect. I was looking at a photograph from the National Botanic Gardens, Kilmacurragh, in Co. Wicklow today which showed a wide walk almost covered in red rhododendron flowers. It was magical. I can’t visit this year but next year!


  1. Thank you Paddy for those lovely photos of plants flowering now in your garden. Most enjoyable. I am intrigued by the Ginkgo. Is that the small shrub to the right of the primroses. ? We have a ginkgo. tree in our back garden which grows at a frightfully slow pace .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, that’s the Gingko. It’s a miniature and, so the blurb says, will only grow to a few feet. Its cultivar name is ‘Troll’ and, at present, is only about a foot high.


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