Tag Archives: lilies

Lilium Martagon

I had forgotten the name of this flower so I looked it up on Google where it says it’s also called Turk’s cap. I learned the flower may be from pink, purple and white to brown and even black. I have seen them only in pink and white. I don’t have of these in my garden. These grow in the garden of a friend of mine. Google also mention it’s highly toxic to cats.

Visiting Friends @ Summer Cottage

We were visiting our friends Thursday-Friday at their summer cottage. Good food, sauna bath, great company with a lot of talking and laughing. The day was sunny and warm but the evening a bit cold and windy, so none of us swam in the lake after the sauna bath.

When my friend and I looked at the flowers my friend spotted a beautiful colorful caterpillar. I have had photos of really beautiful caterpillars which I have had the pleasure to spot but unfortunately only once so far. It’s sad I can’t find the photos anymore 😦

For the last week and days there has been a lot about the Perseid meteor showers both in the papers and on the news. The best time to spot them would have been in the morning at about 2 am on August 12. Unfortunately it was a cloudy night. Now the night would be clear and we thought that we, with a bit of luck, would be able to still spot some. As we didn’t want to get up at 2 am  we went to lay on down folding sun chairs on the terrace covered with warm blankets at about 11 pm. Our husbands didn’t join us ! ? They probably didn’t believe we would see any. Such a beautiful midnight blue starry sky. Then we saw ONE ! We both were screaming look, look.  We stayed there for about 45 minutes and saw about 10-12. But afterwards I read more about them on EarthSky and on other sites as well and learned some or many may have been satellites moving with great speed. Well, next August there is again a chance to experience the Perseid meteor showers.

Yesterday morning, just before we were about to leave my friend said let’s pick some blueberries for you to take home. She’s a quick picker. Of the almost one liter I think she picked 7,5 dl and I about 1,5 dl. The smoothie we had this morning was so delicious with the fresh blueberries.
Flowers, phlox, lilies

Lilies, Phlox and Clematis


Look at the feet and the “hands”. Very interesting.

pine tree, twilight

At about 10:10 pm waiting for the dark.


Almost 1 liter

Pink lily/lilies.

Yay ! The pink lilies are flowering 🙂 I hope they will last for as many days as possible. I don’t know but to me it looks like the rainy, wet, damp weather is no good for the flowers. The ones that already have faded look almost rotten. I think there was more or less rain most every day in July. Thumbs up for less of it in August. Wishing you all an enjoyable August !
Pink lily Pink lilies red, yellow and pink lilies Pink lily Pink lily

Summer’s First Lily

How I have waited for the first lilies of the summer to bloom. Finally, yesterday the red Asian Lily (Lilium Asiatic ‘Matrix’) opened. I’m so happy there has been less snails, lily bugs and stink bugs this year. Last year the insects and snails made so much damage. They ate both leaves and buds. This year I had to do something about it. I bought Ferramol slug pellets. Much less snails/slugs in my flower bed now. I still find some but take them away immediately. I guess I can’t fight them all (snails) as there are trillions in the surroundings. I also bought Bayer Garden Calypso spray for insects. I think it worked for the bugs. But, still I can see some damage on the leaves and disappeared buds. Yesterday I found out there are ants ! They love the buds ! Ufff ! I guess I need to spray no matter how much I hate to do it !

Lilium Asiatic 'Matrix'

Lilium Asiatic 'Matrix' Lilium Asiatic 'Matrix' Lilium Asiatic 'Matrix'