Epidendrum magnoliae


Habitat: epiphytic in swamps, hammocks and moist hardwood forests
Common name: Green-fly Orchid
Blooming: May-July and sporadically throughout the year
Comments: this diminutive epiphyte, also known as Epidendrum conopseum, is reasonably common, growing on hardwood trees (such as magnolia, live oak, and cypress) in forests throughout Florida, up the Atlantic coast to North Carolina and along the Gulf Coast into Louisiana. Depending on the variety, it can bear three to forty greenish to reddish-brown flowers measuring 3/4 inch (1.9 cm) across. These flowers are intensely night fragrant.

Epidendrum magnoliae (syn. Epi. conopseum) Epidendrum magnoliae (syn. Epi. conopseum)

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