Mangave 'Spotify' PPAF


Common Name: Mangave

It's not hard to spot the spots on 'Spotify'! Long, narrow, minty green leaves are covered with small, dark spots. Although it forms a spiky ball shape, its succulent leaves are flexible and relatively benign-this is one of the easiest of the collection to handle. Perfect for pairing with broader leaved plants in combinations.

Mangave is a relatively new phenomenon, as a cross between the genus Manfreda and Agave. These rare hybrids combine the best of both worlds: the better growth rate and the interesting patterns of Manfreda, and the habit and refinement of Agave. We are very excited about our new hybrids from Walters Gardens, Inc. hybridizing. Growers will appreciate the fast growth rate of Mangave-these hybrids finish more quickly than Agave, thanks to their Manfreda parentage. Look to the future for more interesting and unique looks to join the collection!

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