Pieris/ Andromeda Bonsai

Bonsai Species Guides

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Pieris is a genus of seven species of evergreen shrubs occurring in forest and on hillsides in the Himalayas, E. Asia, North America and the West Indies.

Pieris japonica and Pieris 'Forest Flame' are both common garden species that are also suitable for use as bonsai.


POSITION Partial shade, reliably hardy to -5°C. During colder periods or late Spring frosts, frost protection should be afforded.

FEEDING Pieris are lime-hating and require feeding with an ericaceous fertiliser.

REPOTTING Every three or four years in early Spring using a lime-free soil mix.

PRUNING Trim back new shoots throughout the growing season. Hard or formative pruning can be carried out after flowering. Deadhead after flowering.

PROPAGATION Take greenwood cuttings in early Summer or semi-ripe cuttings in mid- to late Summer.

PESTS AND DISEASES Leaf spot, Chlorosis and Phytophthora root rot can be a problem.

STYLING Informal upright forms and cascades in small to large sizes.