
View an article about our Blueberries from the NY Times

     The perfect plant. White flowers in spring, fruits that turn from pink to tasty blue in July, brilliant red fall foliage, and red twigs through the winter - always something to enjoy. Pick yummy blueberries yourself, or attract birds. (Two different varieties are needed for pollination). Prefers acid soil. Wildlife value.

Vaccinium altomontanum,    Vaccinium angustifolium,   Vaccinium x 'Sunshine Blue',   Vaccinium x(low) 'Northcountry',    Vaccinium ang. 'Northcountry',   Vaccinium corymbosum cultivars

Vaccinium altomontanum

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Vaccinium angustifolium, Lowbush Blueberry


Vaccinium corymbosum, Highbush Blueberry

      Truly a plant for all seasons. Fragrant flowers please the bumblebees in spring, scrumptious berries feed us and our birds in summer, red foliage blazes in fall, and red twigs enhance gnarled branches in winter. Just give them a good acid soil and enough sun to make berries. Wildlife value.      Ht. 5-6'. (Sun to Partial shade)

Vaccinium corymbosum, Highbush Blueberry berriesFall Color Highbush Blueberry berries

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      We grow the following Highbush Blueberry cultivars: 'Bluecrop', 'Bluejay', 'Blueray', 'Collins', 'Duke', 'Jersey', x 'Sierra', and 'Spartan'.



Vaccinium corymbosum x 'Sierra

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