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Flora Emslandia - Plants in Emsland (northwestern Germany)

Triangle orache

Triangle orache (Atriplex prostrata), inflorescenceTriangle orache (Atriplex prostrata), leaf Triangle orache (Atriplex prostrata), infructescence

Inflorescence, basal leaf and infructescence of the triangle orache


Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex de Candolle:
Blooming period: July–September
Height: 40–100 cm
Flowers: unisexual, actinomorphic, small and inconspicuous
Tepals: ♂ 5, yellow, stamens: 5, ♀ tepals missing, styles: 2, ♂ and ♀ flowers on the same plant = monoecious
Stem leaves: opposite at base, alternate above, triangular to hastate

Plants annual, herbaceous.

Stem erect, ascending or prostrate, angular or ribbed, striped green.

Leaves stalked, triangular or hastate, irregularly toothed with spreading basal lobes or serrate, sometimes entire, slightly furfuraceous. Leaf base wedge-shaped to straight.

Flowers in terminal or lateral, leafless spike-like racemes or panicles.

♂ flowers with pentamerous perianth, tepals yellow, stamens 5

♀ flowers without perianth, but with 2 triangular or rhombic bracteoles, that are 2–8 mm long, strongly furfuraceous, fused at the base and may be perforated at the edge. The superior ovary is grown together of 2 carpels and bears 2 styles.

After wind pollination the female flowers forms a flattened nut fruit that is enclosed by two bracteoles, so that they resemble wings.

In Germany there are 4 subspecies:
Atriplex prostrata ssp. prostrata: lateral branches prostrate, leaves to 3 cm long
Atriplex prostrata ssp. latifolia: lateral branches spreading, leaves to 8 cm long
Atriplex prostrata ssp. triangularis: Leaves triangular, finely serrated in outline, to 5 cm long
Atriplex prostrata ssp. deltoidea: Leaves to 10 cm long, coarse and irregularly toothed.

Floral formula:
♂ * P(5) A5 G0
♀ * P0 A0 G(2) superior

Banks, also coasts, arable margins, gardens, ruderal areas. Prefers sunny, slightly warm, slightly damp locations and very nutritious soils.

The whole of Europe, North Africa, North America and temperate Asia.